The shoulders must be well laid back, muscular but not loaded and the points of the too close thus preventing the scapulae must be fairly close at the withers, but not head from being lowered to the ground. The humerus or upper arm should be approximately the same length as the scapulae to give the dog good front reach. Elbows should be firmly tucked against the brisket so as to form a straight line with the ribs. When viewed from the front, the elbows should be in line with the ribs and the legs should continue in a straight line to the ground. Three or four fingers’ width is a good guide. One should get a pictured of an inverted “U” between the front legs and not an invert “V”. Only a slight fore chest in front of the point of shoulder is required as a heavy, protruding “pigeon chested” front is completely wrong and detracts from the desired grace and elegance of this breed.
High set, with posterior curve of buttock extending beyond root of tail giving a reach appearance to hindquarters. Curls tightly over spine and lies closely to thigh with a single or double curl. The set-on of the tail is more important than a double curl.
Never uncurl a Basenji’s tail when examining him, as some tails do have kinks in the bone due to the tight curl and it can be painful and upsetting to the dog if uncurled or handled roughly. If you wish to see the set-on, just lift the tail gently, and particularly look when the dog is in motion.
General appearance : Forelegs straight with fine bone. Legs in a straight line to ground giving a medium
Shoulders : Well laid back, muscular, not loaded.
Elbows : Tucked in against brisket. When viewed from front, elbows in line with ribs.
Forearm : Very long.
Pasterns : Good length, straight and flexible.
General appearance : Strong and muscular.
Stifle : Moderately bent.
Second thigh : Long.
Hock : Well let down, turned neither in nor out.
Feet : Small, narrow and compact, with deep pads, well arched toes
and short nails.
The ideal is short, sleek and close, very fine and should appear velvety to the touch. This is self-explanatory. Scars should not be penalized. The skin is very pliant and can be felt easily by gently lifting the skin on the back of the dog.
They come in four colors – red/ white, black/ white, tricolor and brindle – all with white feet, white chest and white tip on tail. The desired red is a bright orange red but that is rarely seen now. However, the bright chestnut red is correct and far more attractive than the light red because of contrast. The white should be on the feet, chest and tail tip. White legs, blaze and white collar optional.